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Right to cancellation and returns

1.1         What is the right to cancellation?

1.2         Start of reflection period

1.3         How can you cancel your purchase?

1.4         When will you receive your money back?

1.5         Returning the order

1.6         Depreciation

1.7         Exceptions to the right to cancellation.


1.1 What is the right to cancellation?

As consumer you have the right to cancel the agreement (via the Internet). This means that you can cancel your purchase within a certain period, the so-called 'reflection period'. This period is legally set at 14 calendar days, but we offer you a reflection period of 30 calendar days. If you make use of this right within this period, we will ensure that you are refunded the purchase amount corresponding to the returned products. If you return your entire order, you will also be reimbursed for any shipping and transaction costs paid. With a partial return, you will not be reimbursed for the shipping and transaction costs.

Please note, there are exceptions to the right of cancellation and you can read this in section 1.7 below. 


1.2  Start of reflection period

We offer a reflection period of 30 calendar days. This means that you have 30 calendar days to decide whether a product is for you. If you wish to return the product, you can notify us during the reflection period and then you have 14 calendar days from the moment of notification to return the package to us.

You can also return it without notifying us in advance, however it is important that you return the package to us within the reflection period. Make sure that you also add a statement to the return package stating that you wish to make use of your right of cancellation (for example the European model form from Annex 1 below).

Please note that the reflection period of 30 days does not start until after the day you receive your product. If your order is delivered with several separate deliveries, the reflection period will only start after the day of receipt of the last delivery. If a package has been delivered to your neighbors, the reflection period will start if you have designated these neighbors as the recipient.


1.3 How can you cancel your purchase?

Legally the reflection period is 14 calendar days. We understand that it is difficult to make a decision within 14 calendar days. That is why we have extended the reflection period to 30 calendar days. We have indicated above when these 30 days start.

You can cancel the purchase by informing us via the following options: 
- Informing us via mail or telephone;
- Sending us the completed European model form (see Annex 1);
- Returning the package with a written statement in which you state that you are appealing to your right to cancellation (for example the European model form).

(We prefer step 1, since this is the simplest option for you.)

To improve our service we are of course curious about the reason why you abandon your purchase, but you will never be obliged to give a reason.


1.4 When will you receive your money back?

We strive to refund your money as soon as possible. We always do this through the way you have initially paid, and we will never charge for this.

We will refund you no later than within a period of 14 days after you have notified us of the cancellation. However, we are entitled to wait for a refund until we have received the product back or until you have satisfactorily shown that it has been sent, depending on which is first.

Please note, if a product is damaged we may deduct for depreciation, below you can read more about this. 


1.5 Returning the order

You must return the products within the reflection period of 30 calendar days, or let us know that you wish to do so. If you inform us of the return within the 30-day period, then you have another 14 calendar days from that moment to return the package to us. Our return address is: Peizerweg 97, 9727 AJ Groningen. Unfortunately, the costs of returning are borne by the customer.


1.6  Depreciation

You are responsible for the use of the product during the reflection period. If you damage the product during the reflection period, we may in certain cases charge you for fixing or cleaning the product, or if we can not sell it as new. However, you are only liable for the depreciation of the product if this is because you have gone beyond what was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and operation thereof.


1.7 Exceptions to the right to cancellation.

There are a number of exceptions to the right to cancellation, namely:

  1. Products that have been sold sealed for hygienic reasons or from and to the point of view of health protection, and of which you have broken this seal after delivery, can not be returned;
  2. Easily reproducible disks (DVDs/CDs) with audio video or software on them, and the seal of which has been broken after delivery, can not be returned.


Below are some examples to clarify:

Example 1: You ordered food supplements and removed the seal. Since the seal has been removed, return is no longer possible. However, you may return it if the seal is still there and is intact.          
Example 2: You buy a tube of toothpaste and open the box. Once you open the seal to use the toothpaste, the product can no longer be returned.  
Example 3: You buy a DVD or CD with audio or video recordings or software including a seal. As soon as you have broken the seal, return is no longer possible.
Example 4: You buy a fitness DVD with a seal. As soon as you have broken the seal, return is no longer possible. 

ANNEX 1: European model form for cancellation

(only fill in and return this form if you want to cancel the agreement)



[ name of entrepreneur ]

[ geographic address of entrepreneur]

[ fax number entrepreneur, if available ]

[ e-mail address or electronic address of the entrepreneur]

I/We* hereby inform* you that I/we* cancel our agreement regarding

the implementation of the following service: [indication of service]*

Ordered on*/received on* [order date with services or receipt with products]

[Consumer(s) name]

[Consumer(s) address]

[Consumer/(s) signature] (only when this form is submitted on paper)

* Scratch out that which is not applicable or complete that which is applicable.